Five is a super-flexible template designed to provide you loads of customizable settings allowing you the freedom to create many different styles & looks for your website layout.

Sizes & Values

Site Width - control the width of the content area for the site, including any sidebar width. 

Canvas Offset - determines the margin above and below the canvas, exposing the site background. 

Canvas Padding - adjust the padding main content area and the sidebars - if present. Also controls the space between the logo and navigation when together.

Canvas Border Size - sets the size of the border wrapping around the outside of the canvas.

Logo Height (Navigation) - limits the height of the site logo when present within the navigation area.

Logo Height (Banner) - limits the height of the site logo when present within the banner area.

Navigation Spacing - controls the amount of padding used on the top and bottom of the navigation area.

Banner Area Height - set the height of the banner area at the top of the canvas.

Page Spacing - controls the amount of spacing used at the top and bottom of pages.

Sidebar 1 Width - set the width of sidebar one (when present).

Sidebar 2 Width - set the width of sidebar two (when present).

Sidebar Text Size - a size relative to the body text, of the text used inside either of the two sidebars.

Social Icon Size - set the size of the (non-social-block) social icons.

Template Options

Canvas Setting - controls whether the site canvas stretches out to the edges of the browser window (full) or snaps to the site width instead. 

Top Navigation Position - positions the main navigation above or below the site banner area. If set to 'None,' the navigation will be shown in sidebar 1 as a simple vertical list. 


Blog Styles

Article Spacing - adjust the space between posts on the blog list view.

Blog List Display - choose the type of information shown on the blog list view. 

Blog Byline - determine the position of the articles author name when showing a blog post.
